Tell the Scottish government:
Don't cut nature funding

Tell the Scottish government: Don’t cut nature funding

Scotland’s nature is vital to all of us, from the soil beneath our feet to the air we breathe. 

But nature is struggling. We urgently need to help it recover.

We want to see our seas and rivers teeming with life, our native woodlands regenerating and our fields buzzing with pollinators – and much more.

The Scottish government has committed to setting legally binding targets for nature recovery through a Natural Environment Bill. This is a huge step forward.

But as well as targets, the government must put funding in place to help nature recover. And this year it has already cut £5 million from its nature restoration fund.

With the Scottish budget due on 4 December, it’s crucial that funding for nature is protected.

Helping nature recover will support our health and wellbeing, make Scotland more resilient to the impact of climate change, and protect our ability to produce food.

Tell the Scottish government: Don’t cut funding for nature.

Add your voice now. 


To Shona Robison, Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government:

Scotland’s nature is in trouble. But together, we can help it recover and thrive. Investment in nature is investment in our future. I call on the Scottish government to protect all funding for nature in the upcoming budget.

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